April is Child Abuse Prevention Month!

I am so excited to share a fun new resource with you for Child Abuse Prevention Month! During the month of April, we are being encouraged to take things One Day at a Time when it comes to keeping your kids safe from child sexual abuse. 

Due to COVID-19, we are unable to participate in community protection events and trainings, so we’re focusing on creating lifestyles of prevention and safety. This can be accomplished by incorporating simple, pre-emptive measures in our everyday lives that can come as easy as taking a deep breath.

To do this, I am sharing two calendars created by Darkness to Light of one simple thing you can do to practice prevention every day! One calendar is designed for caregivers, and the other is designed for advocates. Here is everything you need to get started: https://www.d2l.org/capm2020/




Sometimes when we think about the things that we wish were different (like child abuse, poverty, racism etc.) it can seem overwhelming. Maybe even impossible.

The 'One Day at A Time' message is perfect. Let's do what we can with the influence we have. Download your calendar and see what steps you are able to take to help protect children from sexual abuse today.


If the content of this article causes you distress or discomfort, please seek support.

Where to get help in Nova Scotia


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